In order to accept cryptocurrency more generally, we need to overcome a number of obstacles.
One of the main factors hindering people from entering the digital currency market is that cryptocurrencies are not easy to use.
First question
For most people, whether it is paper currency or online banking system, dealing with legal tender is almost second nature. They understand the value of legal tenders, know how to trade them for products and services, and how global cryptocurrencies are compared to a few other foreign currencies related to their lives.
Money is an easy-to-use legal currency.
In the real world, most people are so unfamiliar with the concept of cryptocurrency that it is difficult to launch a cryptocurrency wallet.
For those outside the cryptocurrency, this technology is very difficult to understand. The software itself is very unattractive and not user friendly. In most cases, it is used for simplicity and not for choice.
Today's most trusted Ethereum and ERC 20 Token Wallet user interface:
on the Internet is usually a form that seems to require a computer science degree to begin to understand. The language and terminology used is very inappropriate. Most tutorials on the Internet cannot solve the problems that everyday users encounter in a simple, effective, and intuitive way .
Compare the Ethereum Blockchain Resource Manager interface to your online banking :
How to solve this problem ?
You just need to quickly review history and see what makes the World Wide Web look like today. The development of useful tools such as web browsers and e-mail has contributed significantly to the dramatic growth of the Internet, user interface and cryptocurrency must become easier to understand and intuitive.