Realizing so great a loss caused by a terrorist act, and the direct perceived impact is the obligation of the government to immediately investigate the Terrorism Criminal Act by punishing perpetrators and intellectual actors behind every act of terrorism. This is a top priority in law enforcement.
Indeed, it cannot be blamed if terrorism is linked to human rights issues, because the consequences of terrorism are sacrificed by many human beings, innocent people are made the cost of savagery and peace of life between human beings clearly at stake.
In most cases apparently religion is not only suspected of providing ideology, but also the motivation and organizational structure of the perpetrators. Even so, that does not mean that terrorism is not a crime, especially if it is related to the problem of its macro impact even though using the category "Jihad."
If innocent humans become victims and the public interest is broken apart, and the State is hit by National Disharmonization, then the category "Jihad" as well as any religious reasoning that justifies the savagery is questionable.
Based on the above law, the government plays a role in maintaining the continuity of national development and creating a safe, peaceful and dynamic atmosphere for the community, namely by increasing the prevention of all forms of threats that interfere with national stability and provide appropriate punishment for terrorists, in order to prevent, overcome and eradicate terrorism.