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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

If i am given a chance to re-live my life i

will definitely want to change some certain

things,,i am a kind of person that is an introvert

and i love staying indoors,i myself do wish

to go out sometimes and have fun but i

just do not have the motivation to go out

because i am naturally an indoor type so

if i could re-live my life i will definitely want

to come back as someone who is an extrovert

because i would really love to know exactly

how life is as an extrovert....

if i have the chance to re-live my life i would also love to be from another culture and experience an entirely

different way of life,,i would also want to have my late father back and fully experience adulthood with my father,i lost my dad at a young age so i have not really

experienced how it is like to have a father as a young man becoming a full grown man,i would really love to experience it myself without anyone telling me....