How does someone escape from an emotionally abusive relationship?
I have a friend, a guy, who is married but in an emotionally abusive relationship. His wife is controlling and abusive and he is little more than her personal slave. Doing all the work at home, cooking and cleaning and paying all the bills. He works many hours for his wife's business but gets nothing in return and he is obviously always broke.
He loves her but I know he is desperately unhappy at this treatment. What should he do, and how can he start again ? What advice can you give him please ?
I would say this: sometimes, we way we see things from outside is not how things truly are.
Has your friend come out to complain about his wife's attitude? If he hasn't, then he might not have any issues with it. No two marriages are the same and there are different blueprints for all.
You may see this as an abusive relationship, but this might just be the ideal relationship for both of them and they may be doing just fine.
On the other hand, if your friend has issues with the status quo and has complained about it, then you could advise him to take a walk.
One thing you should know though is that leaving an abusive relationship is never easy. This might be the time when you have to show him a lot more emotional, moral, and mental support to make his transitioning easier.
I wish your friend all the best.
Cut all ties and walk away