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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

I believe it's possible for such a thing to happen, but whether it is or not on Musing or even something like dpoll—I think the jury is still out on that.

Analysis requires observation, knowledge, experience, data, etc. In this day and age of Tweets and sound bites, analysis is generally something someone else does. Walking logically through a question step by step can be time consuming, and so first reaction, gut feeling is generally a quicker response. Most people will feel it's the most genuine, too, and we're told to be genuine.

That doesn't mean what we feel or emotionally latch onto is true or right, though. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it's not. It's never analytical though. It's instinctual.

I would hope that others would read an analysis by someone who knows how and improve their own ability to do it, but I can't say for certain that's what's happening. We tend to go the path of least resistance. If we're already inclined to look at the world in an analytical fashion, we bring it here. If we're more inclined to see things as yes or no, that's probably how we're going to answer.