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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

I don't know if it's possible to do in two days, but there would seem to be a few ways to make it happen as quickly as possible.

—Comment a lot on other people's posts consistently so they know you exist, and then create posts that people want to read. This would be the recommended way.

—Go to Discord and join different groups, promoting your content and seeing if you can't pick up some followers that way. I'm not a fan of this option, but it is a form of networking and a lot of people apparently do it.

—Bring a following with you from somewhere else on Social Media, such as Facebook or YouTube. Some have managed to do this, others not so much.

—Follow a bunch of people and hope they just automatically follow you back. This I don't recommend at all, but there's nothing to stop anyone from doing it and plenty of people have. Some accounts just auto follow, and so there's undoubtedly some of those already.

Now that I believe I've answered the question, I guess I would note here that gaining followers isn't necessarily the objective here, as there aren't a whole lot of people who pay attention to their feeds. Most likely, they've followed so many other users, into the hundreds or thousands, that it's impossible to keep up with them all, and thus, unlikely they will see more than one or two percent of what comes through there if they did.

As someone who does the exact opposite—I'm currently following less than 40, but I've tried over 50 for a while—it's rather maddening. Follow to be followed never really works anywhere, and less here, so I'm not sure why people keep doing it.

As it is, you can set up a notification service like GINAbot on Discord to beep you when someone you want to follow posts, and likewise, they can do the same thing for you, if they're so inclined. Also, depending on the times you post and engage with others, will largely determine who will end up upvoting you, and rather than following you, they may just put you on autovote, since many do that rather than manually curate.

Anyway, there's the options as I see them, as well as my two cents worth on the usefulness of having followers.