First of all let me just say that questions do get upvotes on musing. Good questions are always valuable and musing probably knows that better then any of us.
Everybody has questions but few are ever answered. I think there is a reason why answers are more deserving than questions. Sometimes it takes hours to ponder over a question, so an answer could be written. Some questions are even more information oriented and you have to look at the data from the internet to answer them and that takes considerable time and effort.
A question that took only ten seconds to type may take hundreds of seconds to answer. If somebody invested time in coming up with a good question the there is someone who will spend even more time in coming up with a good answer.
I usually ask questions that I want the answers to. This means that my primary motive to ask a question is to get an answer to it. Getting an upvote for it is a side advantage here. This kind of attitude also helps me in keeping even my questions more streamlined.
Prioritizing questions over answers could create a situation where people will just post a ton of questions and wait for others to answer. I am not saying that this is necessarily a bad thing but this would allow the quality of questions to suffer as quantity would become the objective (due to posting questions just for upvote).
Asking questions when necessary is a good thing that keeps alive but we don't want a situation where questions are being asked solely for upvotes. I really do think that this might not be good for the long term.
I also feel that those asking the questions should also try to upvote the answers that they feel deserve theory upvote. We need to keep in mind that musing upvote is not the the only one that counts. Our upvotes also matter to other people using