I've had a plethora of annoying neighbors but there was one apartment I lived in about 2-3 years ago that without a doubt takes the cake. Not only because it was one neighbor that was annoying- but that throughout the years living there we had SO MANY awful neighbors.
So we lived in a 3 bedroom apartment on the base level of a large historic house on the corner of a busy street. The guy who owned the building was a over privileged, entitled, illiterate piece of trash, to put it nicely. One of his workers/kids lived across the hall and would constantly blast movies at full volume. That didn't bother me so much, because it kind of gave me permission to do the same thing, but he also sold pills out of the building and would wander into our apartment at random times during the night for "maintenance checks". Things went missing a lot.
Above him was a young couple with a daughter. The daughter was as sweet as could be, and I truly felt terrible for her because all the couple did was fight over drugs. Loudly. Like, screaming matches. All day, every day. I never even met them. I just knew what the arguments were about because they would scream at the top of their lungs about it in front of their 5 year old daughter. Sometimes with the hallway door open. It was just awful.
There were a few more annoying ones in the building but this is all build up for the family across the street. Across the street was a family with drug problems and 3 kids. The father, as far as I know, wasn't in the picture. I believe he lived a few towns over and would take the kids for weekends here and there, but he never helped with the BS going on in the city.
The mom was a train wreck. I don't know what her deal was. She never seemed too messed up or strung out so maybe she was just lazy and careless. I don't think so though.
The kids were crazy annoying. It was a really tough situation because I genuinely liked the kids and I really felt for their situation. They had no supervision and at the ages of 5, 7, and 10 were given free rule to run the streets at all times of the night. They would come over to our apartment sometimes at 2 in the morning demanding to play N64 while we were all stumbling around after the bars. The two younger girls kind of found other part time homes but the 10 year old was obsessed with my dog and would never leave.
I love Anel(that's his name). And I always will. But damn the kid couldn't have found more annoying times to show up. As previously mentioned, he would show up at 2 in the morning, or later. He would show up during romantic evenings with my ex. He would show up when I had a large group of friends over. He would show up when people were really messed up. He would show up and cause drama and mischief. He would try to set my dog free. He would show up when I was trying to work or my ex was doing schoolwork.
It was a nightmare 2 years in which I never had any peace. On top of all the neighbors, even our room mates were horrible. I think the most solitude we ever had was one Christmas day there.