We absolutely have the right to end our own lives. I have suffered from suicidal depression my entire life and it took me a long time to really understand it. I think it's also something that's extremely difficult for people who don't suffer from it to understand.
It can be incredibly painful and unbearable at times. We can't control it. And I think that people have the right to end that pain if need be. I am by NO MEANS condoning suicide; but I do not see it as a selfish act whatsoever. People with chronic depression cannot control it, and it often has no relation to how "successful" or whatever is going on in their life. It is, not in all but in many like myself, a neurological condition. One in which your brain literally fights you, not always constantly, but frequently.
It's very difficult to understand unless you have lived through it. Many people live with it their entire lives, leading successful, happy lives; but it still ultimately wins. Look at Anthony Bordain, or Kate Spade, or Robin Williams. All very successful and happy people, leading very full lives with the world at their fingertips, who suffered from a neurological battle to stay alive. Ultimately, they lost, but they also were probably in a *lot* of pain.
Again, I am by no means condoning suicide. But I think it is that person's choice. It can be unbearable, and it is ultimately up to them. It is not right, it is not wrong. But it *certainly* is not selfish. I think that's a guilt we should not put on people battling a fight for their lives.