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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)


Food, cloth and shelter ;-)

I would say a big luxury is to have health and time but also a somehow level of wealth.

Me for my person do not need the latest, biggest, fastest car - the latest electronics etc.

I am quiet happy with at least have something me can work with.

As I said: Health is the biggest luxury, free time the second.

A little wealth also can do :-)

But I think this way: Peace amongst mankind is also a very big luxury and a aim we should shoot for.

But there will be no peace until there is equal rights and justice.

See, right now we would need the resources of about two planet earths to keep our current living standart.

In western countries it would be 3-5 earths (!!!). It are the lower developed countries lowering that average.

I guess for the future we will all have to lower our standart to secure peace and a future.