We often hear, too, that mate isn't going anywhere. It's true that a mate won't go anywhere. But if you don't go anywhere, just stay silent, how will you find a soul mate?
So, how better? Here are some tips for finding the right life partner.
1. Choose the brethren
As Muslims and Muslim women, of course we must not forget the guidance given by our role models, namely the Messenger of Allah. He once said,
"Women are usually married because of four things: because of their wealth, because of their position, because of their position and because of their religion. Then you should choose because of his religion (Islam), because if not so, surely you will lose, "(Narrated by Bukhari-Muslim).
Yes. For this reason, promoting equality of faith is absolutely essential for a Muslim or Muslim. Do not let us get lost with property, position or position, because this is easy to wear off.
If we are looking for a life partner by prioritizing the same faith, we will not have trouble later when we live together.
Religion is a principle. You can't play. So, if we are married to a non-believer, there will be many principal differences, but will also get the wrath of Allah.
After all, wouldn't you later marry and build a household, not for a day or two, and we want a lasting marriage and be filled with His grace?
Because, how will grace be bestowed if we even make the wrath that gives grace itself?
2. Through the Good and Right Way taaruf
If we are looking for a good life partner, who is pious and blessed, of course we will not look for them in immoral places. The way to find a life partner is in accordance with religious guidance. Not with courtship.
Islam has so perfectly managed this life. Even in finding the right life partner, Islam gives its direction, namely through ta'aruf (getting acquainted), then asking for a marriage, until finally getting married.
Ta'aruf itself the process is not like dating. Ta'aruf only prioritizes the function itself, which is to know each other. Usually the process is relative, some are very short, some are quite short, and some are short. What is certain is not for years with no certainty to the next level.
In the process of ta'aruf until asking for a marriage and finally getting married, you should avoid mental PHP (False Hope Giver) aka false hope giver. If it is not suitable during ta'aruf, then proceed with the process well. Do not make other people hurt by the mental PHP.
3. Requesting advice and parents
As a good child, of course we have to ask the blessings of our parents for the choices we have made. And ask our parents for advice. So that household life goes smoothly, and reaches sakinah, mawaddah, and warahmah. Wallahualam.