It is important to note that a coins value is deeply connected to the current Total Supply Available and the Demand for that coin.
In the scenario in which STEEM hits around $0.00, that just basically means only a few people wants to own it or there is just too much supply with less demand for it. Take Dogecoin as an example, currently it's price value is at $0.005728 (mostly because it has over 100 times more supply than STEEM). But is still rank #20 in terms of Market Capitalization.
As long as there are people left who wants to own a piece of STEEM, it will totally never be out of value. A hypothetical $0.001 price still has a chance to increase ten-fold in just a month.

For reference: Steem's price from a year ago was only at $0.07 and it managed to increased 100 times more with it's current market price now.