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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

@jgrantf Just do it.

I tend to have a habit of overthinking things and end up not doing them ultimately. Planning the perfect execution was the cover for procrastination. I would read up on a certain subject (say, photography), watch tutorials, and even procure tools (e.g. rent a DSLR), but never actually get round to just doing it. Underneath was a secret fear of failure. 

But it's all about the trying and the failing and the getting up again in improving any skill and eventually excelling.

But recently, I have just been doing things without overthinking, and it has dramatically helped me get over that sticky trap of analysis paralysis

Anyone can relate?


I can definitely relate. I used to have tons of trouble just taking the leap and trying new things, even if I don’t feel 100% ready. Just learning to take action, fly by the seat of your pants and adjust when you need to has helped a ton.