
Being kind is to simply accept, no human is higher or better than others no matter how rich you are. Being kind is knowing that the table might turn around any day. Being kind is knowing that there's karma. What you sow you shall reap. Treat others how you want to be treated because even the important ones don't look important.

There was a day, I made a mistake on my loan application form. I didn't know until I left the bank. So, I quickly rushed back to the desk of the customer care officer to edit my application. Ordinarily, the office closes by 5:00 pm, but I got there by 4:50 pm. The lady was about to leave so I begged for her to allow me edit my application, but she refused and said she was done for the day. I tried to explain how much it will cost me to come back the next, but she didn't want to hear my story. She boldly told me to come back the next day while she was busy with her makeup.

I went out of the bank with annoyance, and returned the following day. Fast forward to few months later. I work in a juice manufacturing company so I helped most of my friends to buy directly from the company at a better and cheaper rate. I received a call from my friend that her friend wants me to help her buy some products, and when I made enquiries on who the person was, it happened to be that same customer care lady from the bank. At first, I didn't want to help, but I decided to let go. After, helping her with the products, she apologised for her behaviour at the bank.

Life is a stage. When you know and understand fee things about life, it becomes very easy to be kind to everyone around and even to yourself. .

These are the ways to change yourself to be better and more interesting than before:

1. Learn to appreciate and respect others

There is no one who likes those who are ignorant and can't respect others. We live in a social media era that is full of dynamics and interaction, pausing to exaggerate yourself, Give honest and pure appreciation to others, imagine what kind of comments / praise can make your heart flower? Now do that to others.

2. Learn to find passion in your actions

there are 2 ways to live your passion in life:

You work on your passion and make it your main job (passion paid), You do other work and from there you can pay for your passion. Indeed, not all passion can make money, but it never hurts to live working / doing business outside of your passion.

3. Learn to be creative

Chase your intuition, fill your curiosity, life is broader than just working every day from 8-5 and taking care of your family, We are often taught that the world has gone like that and we only need to live it well without having to fight the current / rules, have a good family life, have fun, and save for the future.

4. Don't be negative or pessimistic

If you bring pessimism to others, if you make other people feel tired, depressed, hopeless, negative.

5. Make others happier and more useful

Bill Gates once said: "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others",

Being Good is one of the main ways to give meaning to our lives and others. here I summarize some ways to be good to yourself for you...

#do good to yourself

allows you to understand things that cause you pain and disappointment, and allows you to accept your contradictions and inconsistencies. This gives you the heart to handle things about yourself that you don't like. In turn, recognizing yourself will help prevent you from showing your negative side to others, thus allowing you to treat others with love and kindness. In this way, your inner anxiety is handled by funds instead of aggravating your need to project hurt and hurt feelings. Take Time to be more self-conscious and use it to be more generous to yourself (remembering that we all have weaknesses) and to others. With this way,

# a way to do good to others;

Try to practice being kind and generous to others. Unaccustomed to, embarrassed, or not knowing how to reach other people can only be overcome by doing it,

by always trying until it becomes a natural urge to be kind and generous to others Don't be selfish. The greatest good attitude does not expect anything, without conditions, and does not require rewards for what is done or said.

Being kind to yourself means that we are doing something wrong, failing, or feeling inadequate when we fail. We treat ourselves with ourselves if, if a good friend, who has a lot of value to us, comes to us with these emotions, we will deal with that friend. How careful we are to comfort her! We treat him with joy and be with him! We support him not to lose hope that we will remind him that we will understand what moments he experiences and experiences, but at the same time we remind him that the world has not come to an end and can still New to start. Now it has more experience than before.

Those who are kind to themselves, when they fail, can quickly squeeze themselves down again to challenge. These people know that spending energy on self-criticizing themselves is just a waste of their energy.

Many people say we do not know how to be kind and we do not know how to speak and how to talk in a calm and warm tone so that we can give a mentality to someone who is dear to us. What can we do to ourselves! But the good news is that this skill is acquired, and anyone can practice by practicing how to be friendly with oneself and others.

Talk to yourself with a nice tone. Put your hand on your heart and hug yourself. Tell yourself what you say to a good friend. Tell me ((I'm so sad that you have such a disturbance, I know you have difficult moments, what do you do to do it?))

Step One: Practice as much as you can talk with others in a calm and kind voice. Talk to yourself and be your own.

Step Two: Do ​​not forget that all humans are incomplete and have incomplete lives. What's your fault, what not! This is a principle, and you are not an exception to it, and it is a falsehood to reach perfection.

Step Three: You must embrace your feelings and never run away from them. We have to face ourselves to solve the first problems. Ask yourself how I know you're having trouble, but how can I help you out of the predicament that Toshi is going through? The first thing you need to do after making a mistake or error is to be honest with yourself and be kind to your embrace. It means that your feelings are important and you are entitled to torture yourself in this difficult situation and do not blame yourself for this error. The torment is part of every human's life, and many others are experiencing the same emotions as you experienced in difficult circumstances.

Learn yourself first to be kind yourself!