
 The concept of Universal is: equivalent (equal) throughout the Universe. Even if one restricts the concept to the land, the English language can not be universal. Already from one district to another of London it changes (p.e. cockney), it is even worse if you go to Scotland or Jamaica.

One  only has to listen to what the Creoles have done with the French they  have imposed on them: a cheerful and singing language. That's to say! ;)

In  addition to the accent, the peoples add the concepts present in their  culture but absent from the official language that's why we have so many  foreign words in the French language, as in all the languages ​​of the  world that had, a day, a contact with another culture. (What travels best is insults and English is very poor on that side.)

And  it goes further than that: the concept of taste of food is present in  French, but the way we express it is, to say the least, impractical. In  Quebec, a region where Anglicism is very much in the game, we have  taken the English form, translated the words into French and we say: it  tastes good for your poutine. It's not French, but it's very practical.

The "thing" that becomes universal is the Globish. An extreme simplification of the shakespear language 

People who have a national ego more developed than their reasoning, dream (fantasement) that their language is spoken by all the peoples of the earth. Besides that denotes an obvious intellectual laziness, it is strategically an incredible stupidity. It means that the whole planet understands what you say, but you do not understand a word from other languages because you never needed to learn them. This is exactly why (laziness) that I help a Japanese who speaks to me in English in the street but that I pretend not to speak the language when it is an anglophone who approaches me in English. It is exactly for this (strategy) that the henchmen, the butchers, ... created their derivatives of lava lavangue fravançavaise (in Javanese in the text).So for a language to be Universal it is necessary: that it is not attached to a nation, nor to a culture and that almost nobody speaks it.