Thank you for such a splendid question, I actually started using two or three weeks ago, and before now I've never answered any questions anywhere like quora so I didn't know first hand what it feels like to be on which so far has been more than a splendid experience.
I answer questions based on life, politics, psychology and even philosophy because that's my area of concentration.
Musing has Improved the way I present my opinion; I'm not sure if I knew how to be precise and concise but since I've been using musing I've read the way guys like @Francistagbo and other amazing authors answers or present their opinion on topics and I've since changed the way and manner through which I present my opinions and idea on questions, so because of I've learnt how to be appealing and presentable
Secondly, brings me fun, together with learning; when I'm not answering questions, I'm definitely reading answers and getting thrilled and entertained as well as educating myself expecially about cryptocurrency which I don't know much about.
Infact is an experience center where you can impact and also be impacted as well and I've changed my opinion on certain matters, learnt how to prepared dishes and other things. has Improved my life quite positively and for the better too.