My greatest accomplishment so far has been graduating from the university. It isn't supposed to be a big deal to go to a university but it is for me because of what it took me to have a university degree.
I finished high school at a quite tender age but I wasn't allowed to write my first exam that would qualify me to get admission into the university until I was nineteen. I eventually did but for several reasons I couldn't get admission for the course I wanted to study. I had wanted to study medicine with the fire and energy still burning inside me in my teens. It was either I had two marks below the required cut-off marks for my choice course or I was given a different course of study.
I was hell bent on studying medicine and before I could say Jack Robinson, it was six years already since I left high school. My friends we left high school together were either graduates from different disciplines or in their penultimate year in the university. Some were married already and some had kids. Gradually, my self-confidence started to diminish. This time, I wanted admission into any field of discipline because I couldn't stand the pressures from home anymore.
Finally, I was offered admission to read a course entirely different from what I had in mind. I accepted this offer and went to the university.
Going through the walls of the University was the greatest test of my self confidence and patience. It was tough for me especially since it wasn't what I wanted to study. I really didn't give much attention to my studies in my first two years and I had three more years to go.
The battle became intense. It was a fight not to have an extra year or worse still graduate with a very bad result. Putting into consideration the support I received from parents, family and friends. I wasn't about letting them down. They had made so much sacrifices. I couldn't afford an extra year. Eventually, I graduated. Luckily for me, there was no extra year and no bad result. It still is my biggest accomplishment so far.