Lets begin by establishing the meaning of the term empathy.
According to the English dictionary, the word empathy means Identification with or understanding of the thoughts, feelings, or emotional state of another person.
In other words, it means putting ourselves in another person's shoes to understand how they feel when they go through certain situations like we we're the one's going through it. This helps us to understand their point of view and their reactions. For example is when a friend loses a loved one. Empathy in this case is understanding how they feel like you would if you lose a loved one.
How to develop empathy skills
1. Be genuinely interested in the welfare of others. Don't dehumanize anyone. Life doesn't play fair. People get what they don't deserve sometimes and we are only fortunate sometimes not to be in their shoes.
2. Be a good listener. Listen to understand and not just to give an answer. Listen the way you would love to be listened to if your roles are switched with the other person's.
3. Make thoughtful remarks that shows that you really understand what the person is going through and you feel sorry for them.
4. Don't play the blame game. Sometimes when another person has suffered through a terrible experience, people make the mistake of blaming the victim for his or her circumstances.
Benefits of empathy
1. Life is a give and take business. Ever heard the saying what you make happen for others, God would make happen for you. When you sow empathy, you're sure to reap same.
2.Empathy is very important as leaders. Everyone wants a leader who can relate with their situation and give appropriate response. A leader who can empathize with her followers can be assured of trust and loyalty from those he's leading.
3. Development of social relationship. Life is built on relationship. When you empathize with people, it benefits your social relations and help strengthen the bond of friendship you have with such people.