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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

Making relationship last long now days are very tough and most of the people doesn’t give value to Relationship or person who loves more. Now days people think relationship is like doormat or just change of cloth So they can change/use it whenever they want. If we go back to 20’s or 90’s at least there we find beautiful relationship where our parents or grandparents experienced lot and they knows what makes relationship long-last. Let’s come back to our modern relationship where media or Movie portrait is reflected in young generation mind and messing up value of relationship and Love and emotional things. Now days I saw many people they call-off there beautiful relationship just give lam of reason that parent didn’t approve, break-up I am hurting your word, move-on ,cast , you’re not well-settled, not fair, ego clash, possessiveness, In-law’s issue, divorce, remarriage ..etc., But according to my knowledge let list out few facts what makes our relationship last long :

You Feel Inspired By Your Partner : Too many people think only of what they can get out of a relationship, rather than all of the good that goes into it. So if you feel like both you and your partner are focused on contributing positive things, that's a great sign,
Have Your Own Separate Hobbies ; Just because you're married doesn't mean you should do everything together. Maintaining your own individual interests, activities, hobbies, and friends also helps you maintain your own sense of self. Plus, they give you more to talk about at bed time.
Good Sense of Humor : Humor creates a special bond that, in my experience, makes couples happier and more resilient when they face the challenges of life.
Mutual Respect : If your partner truly believes in you as a person they will be there for you through all life stages and adapt to support your dreams. So mutual respect is important in life.
You Support Each Other's Goals
You Don't Play the Blame Game : Blaming never helps the situation or your relationship - even if whatever has upset you really was your partner's fault.
Good at Compromising : You actually can talk to him about issues and work things out verbally and try to good at compromise as early possible when fight occurred.
Take Each Other's Ideas Seriously
You Don't Criticize Each Other : He/she acknowledges when he's wrong and recognizes when bad experiences may have turned someone bitter.
Your Sex Life Is Still Hot : SEX is most important and not necessary all time.
He/She doesn't act like you owe him/her for him/her being nice to each other.
When he/she ‘s worried or upset, they will actually discuss his /her feelings with themselves.
Couple doesn't label themselves as "a nice guy/girl ." : they will not see a single iota of classic "nice guy/girl" behavior from a man or woman who's emotionally well because he realizes women/men aren't vending machines that accept kindness tokens.
You know that, if you were to choose to leave, he'd let you without reprisal : Emotionally intelligent men/women realize that a relationship can only work with two willing partners and therefore will let you leave.
His relationship with his parents is normal.
He/She won't judge you when you ask for space.