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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Ok, this is a good question, we need to know what pilots can and can't do while they're flying, I mean like they literally have our very lives in their hands. So without wasting anybody's time, here are the things pilots can't do when they're flying;

1. Fly close to the ground: Well I don't think planes can weave through building and obstacles the way Lionel Messi weaves through players so they can't fly too low or else they risk having an accident.

2. NOT sleep: Pilots aren't allowed to stay awake for too long, lest they run a risk of not being as alert as they should be. Apparently in the US, you can't fly for more than 8hours without legally having to go and take a nap

3. Eat shellfish: Shell fish are known to cause food poisoning and as such, pilots aren't allowed to eat them. Wouldn't want your pilot to fall sick on the wheel would you??

4. Share food: This is a safety precaution for just incase one pilot gets food poisoning, the other won't get it because they're eating different meals. One pilot is and will always be better than none right.

5. Listen to music: Well as much as I'm sure they'd love to jam out to Taylor Swift, they have to only listen to the radio so that they can know the movement of the aircrafts that are below them.

6. Get High or intoxicated: Well I know they say don't drink and drive, well guess what it's "NEVER DRINK AND FLY". Alcohol and flying are like water and oil, they don't mix so pilots are expected to be sober at all times when they are in the cockpit and flying.

That's just about it.