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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

No, love can never be enough in a relationship. There are alot of things that go into making a relationship work and I'll list some of them out for you;

1. Patience: Both of you need to learn to be patient with each other, relationships can't work if you can't give each other time needed to cool off after an argument, or time needed to adjust to each other. Being patient with each other is key

2. Tolerance: Nobody is perfect and in every relationship there will be times when your partner may be difficult to deal with but it doesn't mean they're not worth it. You need to learn to tolerate each others excesses so that you can appreciate their good parts.

3. Find your own happiness: You need to understand that happiness comes from within and if you tie your happiness to your significant other then you'll only end up hurting yourself. Your happiness should be on your own terms, not on your lover's terms. For a relationship to survive, both of you need to be able to be happy with yourselves with or without each other

4. Understanding: No relationship can survive without this. Both partners should be able to understand each other properly and if not should be willing to learn how. If one partner feels that he's always right and the other is always wrong and doesn't try to get his partners point of view or opinion then the relationship is doomed.

5. Self worth: Far from being pompous or proud, lovers should be aware of their individual self worth. A lack of self worth will lead to jealousy and resentment on the part of the person that doesn't know his/her worth

6. Proper communication: this might be the most important one yet and that's why I saved it for last. Relationships are hard and they require alot of work, but it's a two way thing, it's not one sided so communicating how you feel or what your going through with your partner is paramount to making your relationship successful. If you can communicate properly with your partner then you might as well just give up.

There are alot more things that are required but this is what in my own opinion are the core things that are needed to make a relationship work, hopefully this answers your question.