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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

Bright colors tend to help spiders search for prey while spikes that stick out function as self-defense mechanisms.

Spiders can make nets that come from their very sticky saliva. So that it can trap its prey in the form of small insects that walk through its net.

The mouth is shaped like a vacuum
Spiders have no mouth or teeth. He preys on his prey by sucking on his prey's body fluids.

Feelings of touch on his sensitive legs
Most spiders have poor vision. So to find out if there are prey that have been trapped in the net, he uses the sense of touch on his feet to detect vibrations in his net.

Have the ability
Of the tens of thousands of species, only 150 species of spiders do not have it. Can be used to kill prey. Can be found in spider webs. Even so, only 200 species of spiders have can be harmful to humans.

Spiders only have two body segments unlike other insects that have three body segments. The two segments are prosoma (head and chest) and abdomen (abdomen). The legs are in prosoma.