1. Determine financial objectives
Married is to unite two different thoughts, here means to unify the vision and mission in marriage. The first thing to talk about is to determine financial goals for the future. At least you and your partner have short-term financial goals, medium and long term. Everyone has different financial goals, for example, you want to prioritize preparing education funds while couples want to prepare funds to buy a dream home. In order to avoid fighting, you and your partner must be able to take the middle ground.
2. ncome and expenses
After you determine your financial goals with your partner, then you have to think about cash flow. then you have to think about cash flow. If you and your partner work together you should be open about your income together, your income or which partner is bigger. Also determine who will manage family finances.
Pre-marital agreement
In planning finances before marriage you and your partner also need to talk about the importance of a prenuptial agreement.