Hearts Humans have feelings and can recognize and distinguish, actions are good or bad and right or wrong.
Assessment of an action is relative, this is due to differences in the benchmarks used for the assessment. The difference in benchmarks is caused by differences in religion, beliefs, ways of thinking, ideology, environment and so on.
Good and bad measures that are known in moral science include:
A. Nurani
The human soul has the power to be able to distinguish between good and bad. This power can encourage him to do good and prevent him from doing bad. His soul will feel happy if he has done good and feels Core strength is called conscience. Each individual has different strengths from each other. This power difference can cause differences in perceptions about something that is considered good and which is considered bad.
B. Ratio
Ratio Is a gift of God given to humans, which distinguishes it from other creatures. With the ratio owned, humans can weigh which things are good and bad. With human reason, they can judge that actions that have good results deserve to be called good and preserved. and vice versa. Human ratio assessments will continue to evolve and experience change according to the experiences they have.
C. Indigenous
Customs prevailing in certain groups and communities into one measure of good and bad members in the act. Doing something that is not a habit of the surrounding community or group will be a problem in interacting. Each particular group or community has its own limitations on things that must be followed and which must be avoided. Something that is considered good by one community is not necessarily the case according to the other community. They will educate and teach their children to do habits that they consider good and forbid from doing something that is not their habit.
D. Individual Views
Certain groups or communities have group or community members who individually have different views or thoughts than most people in the group. Each individual has the freedom to have his own views and thoughts even though they must be different from the group or society.
Each individual has the right to determine what he considers good to do and what he considers bad. It is not impossible what was previously considered bad by the community, finally considered good, because there was someone who managed to convince his group that what he considered bad was good.
E. Religious Norms
All religions in the world teach goodness. Measures of good and bad according to religious norms are more permanent, when compared with good and bad measures in conscience, ratios, customs, and individual views. These four sizes are relative and can change according to space and time. Good and bad measures based on religious norms are more reliable and can be accounted for, because religious norms are the teachings of the Most Holy God. Besides that, God's teachings are more universal.