This is a question that keeps a lot of people up at night... Will the robots eventually end up taking all of our jobs... The answer is probably Yes, mostly.
This is based on personal opinion, but I'm pretty sure that by 2050 over 90% of factory jobs will be gone, robots will have become specialized enough to do almost every task in factories that humans do today.
A similar thing has been going on lately on the food sector, in a lot of fast food restaurants in the first world where wages are raising, humans are no longer in the front desk taking your orders, your order is taking through a screen and the order gets send to the kitchen so that the humans cook... you might be thinking, well that means humans will get to keep their place at the kitchen right? well... not really... Let me present to you the Autonomous Burger Robot
This is a robot/automatic assembly line that assembles and prepares burgers, this removes the necessity for restaurants to even have a big kitchen space, you just need the storage space for the ingredients but wait! There's a job for humans here! Humans have to load the ingredients to the machine so that it can prepare them but how much time do you give it until it becomes an automatized process too? The repair for the machine on the other hand, I don't expect that job to go to a robot for a good while!
On the health area there are already a lot of robots doing a proccedures but I don't expect the human aspect of healthcare to go away for a while just because people probably would prefer to be treated by humans... for now... Just like in education, people won't go away that easily just because of the human touch.
but TL;DR: Yes, a lot of jobs will be gone, but a few really especialized ones will remain, including in tech, education and healthcare... probably...