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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

There are plenty of them in Indonesia depending your interests. Since indonesia is an archipelago country, it translates as having multiple islands with different characteristic. However, I am going to narrow it down by picking major islands in Indonesia. 

Here's my version of navigating your way through Indonesia. 

  1.  All you can have - Truly live party scene, digital nomad, neo-hippie, yoga, meditation, culture, traditional taste, amazing nature, multicultural.  : BALI Island indonesia.
  2. All of mentioned above without the huge party and less multicultural : Lombok Island Indonesia
  3. Business hub, party, skyscrapers, pollution, megapolitan and insanely crazzy traffic : Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.
  4. Local culture, Royal family, History,  Student's city,  party scene is dull : Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  5. Again local culture, tribes, nature as in rain forest, great spot for documentary film : Kalimantan, Indonesia
  6. Great food, local culture, mixture of middle eastern and Indonesia culture, close to Singapore : Sumatra Island.