
In marriages there are different things that works for each marriages,what works for a particular marriage might not work for another marriage,i believe that finance is very important in marriages and how financial needs are managed also plays a very vital role in a happy marriage

as for me i am of the opinion that both husband and wife should have a reliable source of income,if my wife will be doing internet jobs while she is a full time house-wife then i will say it is fine but if she is not going to be doing any job then i will not really want my wife to be a full time house-wife without no source of income

When a wife do not have a stable source of income i feel it is not really good for the familt and she herself as a person,how long will she continue to rely on her husband for her financial needs,what about those periods when the husband seems to be broke then what will happen to the family at those periods??

i support my wife in every way like she has to happy with the decision , if she wants to became full time housewife , i support her and if she wants to work , i encourage her

Being a full time house-wife is something i do not encourage in any way,one thing i learnt from the family i came from is that if a wife is a full time

housewife and the husband dies then it becomes a financial burden for the woman and the family

as a whole especially if the man died suddenly at an early age,my dad had sudden death and after

his death,financial problems started because we could not afford proper care since my mother

who would have wanted to take care of us do not have a source of income and so she had start

looking for a source of income to sustain the fanily but it became too late at that period,i will not

allow my wife to be a fulltime housewife unless if she will be working from home or she has a business she is doing at home