
Someone truly loves you if . . .

  • He/she is happy seeing you happy
  • He/she will get angry if you skip meal
  • He/she trust you
  • He/she shares his/her personal problems to you
  • He/she values your feelings
  • He/she look forward on the two of you being together in the future

Knowing if someone truly loves you can be tricky sometimes because some certain people are good at pretending to love someone just to get anything which they want from the person,but i think a good way which you can use to know if someone truly loves you is the way the person cares for you,the way they show affection to you,the way they are bothered about you whenever you are unhappy,someone that loves you would want your happiness,they will want you to be a better person,they will always to be with you and hear your voice and see you smile,they keep thinking about you all the time..

1. He values ​​your values.

Jeffrey tells about his friend James, who truly appreciates and loves his girlfriend, Claire. James about the intricacies of Claire's life. He knows his family's background, what he likes and dislikes, and his achievements.

Even though Claire's work had to travel far and when they were together cut off, James continued to support Claire.

2. He wants you to be part of your future plan.

This can be marked by an invitation and an invitation to meet with his family. Or, has he ever joked about how your children will look like in the future?

If he wants to get into your plan, then he also wants you as part of his future.

You are the priority.

3. You are the priority.

Elaine, a female colleague Jeffrey said, when he loves you, you will be on his priority list. Does he deliberately take the time to spend time with you? Do you feel like the most important person in his life? If so, then you can be relieved. He really loves you.

4. He is happy when you are happy.

Ted, a male client said, in the span of 30 years of his love life, "happiness is my happiness too!" A man who loves you will avoid doing things that make you unhappy.

Whether it's going to a botanical garden or to a sporting event, he will learn things that will make you happy. And he will try to do these things.

Appreciate longing

5. He appreciates your longing and longs for you when separated from him.

Does he appreciate that you miss him? Does he miss you? Is he trying to approach you? Viewed from a healthy side, however, he will send a message to see what you are doing.

I have to strafe you with longing words. Doing something more vague like sending articles related to funny jokes can also indicate he is thinking of you.

6. He approaches you.

Joan, a 45-year-old doctor, was happy when she told him about her lover who had come to him from about thirty miles to make sure she felt safe when she left for work at night.

Is he there when you have a problem? True love is a matter of meeting to meet the needs of others (partners).

Love does not exist!

This world is a cruel place!😾