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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago (edited)

Trying to become slim...

Yes, folks currently these days are busy fat shaming and that has made alot of people to tend to believe that being slim is extremely healthy.

In order to realize the slim figure, folks are following all types of diets that ultimately is depriving their bodies of nutrients.

Worse, several people avoid eating or they just vomit in other for them not to gain weight. the intense example of these who voluntarily introduce tape worms in their bodies makes one marvel regarding this notion of fitness.

I have worked in a government organisation of twenty,000 workers wherever roughly one thousand ar officers. currently in Government offices only a few folks leave their job after they have joined,,

. within the last nineteen years of me working at this organisation, we have more than one thousand officers and we only experienced three untimely death, one among the person was very slim and in his 40s and the other two were also very slim with none belly fat and in their 50s.

The fat officers could also be having polygenic disease or heart problems however there has not been any death among them. Why? as a result of medical research clearly shows that if a person is a heart patient the rate at which overweight person will survive is higher because their body has energy stored to recover.

please do not get me wrong,I am not really saying that being fat or overweight is suggested but what i am saying is that smoking cigarettes, drinking black coffee and avoiding food to stay skinny is sooner or later going to have negative effect on your healt…

So feel proud to be slim as long as you're slim in an exceedingly healthy means…., eat regular healthy meals and enjoy your life as much as you can…..