Being someone that believes so much in honesty and trust, i easily believe that all people are thesame which is actually a weakness in me because i always end up disappointed because it is not always so. But in a relationship, I know i will always trust my partner that much that i can put a whole lot on her for sure. And if she ends up breaking up my trust or proving me wrong as most people then i believe that is one thing that might necessarily not make me to forgive her but might take a long time for me to forgive her and the probability is very high that i might never trust her again or things ever being the way it used to be.
I put a lot of trust in people that i care about and the woman by my side is at the top of this list meaning i trust her most and for her to break my trust will be the worst betrayal of my life and i don't think that will go well at all. If there is one thing that can make me not forgive my partner for a long time then it is breaking my trust. I say long time because i believe i will always forgive her sooner or later because i will love her that much too and if i do love her that much then i will not be hold her in my heart or hate her for a too long but things might never just be thesame after that.
I believe that if you're in a relationship with a person then it should only be that person. I can't see myself forgiving a guy that cheats on me because if he does it once then he's going to do it again.
If we succumb to the belief that all men cheat then we're only going to end up making it true. Not all men cheat and if a man truly loves you then he'll control himself. Cheating shouldn't be something that women should expect in a relationship, no, the more we do that the more we actually encourage it in a relationship.
If any guy I was dating ever cheated on me then regardless of how much I love him, I'd pack my things and leave. Relationships are sacred, their like mini marriages and if you can't commit to me when we're dating then you sure as hell won't commit to me when we are married.
Being someone that believes so much in honesty and trust, i easily believe that all people are thesame which is actually a weakness in me because i always end up disappointed because it is not always so. But in a relationship, I know i will always trust my partner that much that i can put a whole lot on her for sure. And if she ends up breaking up my trust or proving me wrong as most people then i believe that is one thing that might necessarily not make me to forgive her but might take a long time for me to forgive her and the probability is very high that i might never trust her again or things ever being the way it used to be.
I put a lot of trust in people that i care about and the woman by my side is at the top of this list meaning i trust her most and for her to break my trust will be the worst betrayal of my life and i don't think that will go well at all. If there is one thing that can make me not forgive my partner for a long time then it is breaking my trust. I say long time because i believe i will always forgive her sooner or later because i will love her that much too and if i do love her that much then i will not be hold her in my heart or hate her for a too long but things might never just be thesame after that.
I believe that if you're in a relationship with a person then it should only be that person. I can't see myself forgiving a guy that cheats on me because if he does it once then he's going to do it again.
If we succumb to the belief that all men cheat then we're only going to end up making it true. Not all men cheat and if a man truly loves you then he'll control himself. Cheating shouldn't be something that women should expect in a relationship, no, the more we do that the more we actually encourage it in a relationship.
If any guy I was dating ever cheated on me then regardless of how much I love him, I'd pack my things and leave. Relationships are sacred, their like mini marriages and if you can't commit to me when we're dating then you sure as hell won't commit to me when we are married.
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Any felony crime really. Murder especially.
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