Nowhere does the Bible say females are inferior to males. And there is a ton more good done in the name of religion than bad. What you are seeing is the sinfulness of man controlling the man. Christianity teaches that all of us are sinful and in need of redemption. God provided for that redemption in Jesus Christ. All who believe in Christ are redeemed and will live eternally with God. It also teaches that our response to that redemption should be to go and do good works. And it teaches that all those who do not do such good works but continue to do evil are not really redeemed, regardless of what they say. I think you need to study this more deeply.
But it does say that wives should submit to their husbands. And that males are the leader of the household. So there's that. You know, women should do the bidding of men...
Show me how the good things done in the name of religion outweigh the numerous massacres that have taken place in the name of religion. In my opinion, no amount of good can outweigh the killing of thousands of people.
And the sinfulness of man controlling man? Is that your way of hand balling the blame? If people are using religion as motivation to kill others then that's what it is. It's religion inspiring the killing of your fellow man.
I think you need to learn much about religion not people. If you know what the Bible teaches , you will understand what religion wants for people. Every person has his believe and mindset but that doesn't mean they are walking according to doctrine. And for homosexuality, even your conscience is enough to tell you what is wrong and right. The society permits freedom of choice. So it's to you, whether to go the right or wrong
Actually I'm not going to tell someone whether or not they can or can't sleep with someone of the same gender. Who someone sleeps with has nothing to do with me and zero impact on my life.
I live by a strong set of morals, and I won't have a book written thousands of years ago, by people of that time that describes their understanding of the world, dictate how I will live my life. The bible is an absurd book to live by, and has so many interpretations and translations that it no longer reflects the original text anyway. And even if it did, the original text would have virtually no relevance to our lives today.
The key thing to understand is that religion is an invention of man. And our society grows and matures every day. So to continue to follow something that was designed to keep populations under control and reflect the understanding that man had of our world thousands of years ago is insane.
You won't agree with me of course and that's fine. You go be you.
Nowhere does the Bible say females are inferior to males. And there is a ton more good done in the name of religion than bad. What you are seeing is the sinfulness of man controlling the man. Christianity teaches that all of us are sinful and in need of redemption. God provided for that redemption in Jesus Christ. All who believe in Christ are redeemed and will live eternally with God. It also teaches that our response to that redemption should be to go and do good works. And it teaches that all those who do not do such good works but continue to do evil are not really redeemed, regardless of what they say. I think you need to study this more deeply.
But it does say that wives should submit to their husbands. And that males are the leader of the household. So there's that. You know, women should do the bidding of men...
Show me how the good things done in the name of religion outweigh the numerous massacres that have taken place in the name of religion. In my opinion, no amount of good can outweigh the killing of thousands of people.
And the sinfulness of man controlling man? Is that your way of hand balling the blame? If people are using religion as motivation to kill others then that's what it is. It's religion inspiring the killing of your fellow man.
I think you need to study this more deeply.
I think you need to learn much about religion not people. If you know what the Bible teaches , you will understand what religion wants for people. Every person has his believe and mindset but that doesn't mean they are walking according to doctrine. And for homosexuality, even your conscience is enough to tell you what is wrong and right. The society permits freedom of choice. So it's to you, whether to go the right or wrong
Actually I'm not going to tell someone whether or not they can or can't sleep with someone of the same gender. Who someone sleeps with has nothing to do with me and zero impact on my life.
I live by a strong set of morals, and I won't have a book written thousands of years ago, by people of that time that describes their understanding of the world, dictate how I will live my life. The bible is an absurd book to live by, and has so many interpretations and translations that it no longer reflects the original text anyway. And even if it did, the original text would have virtually no relevance to our lives today.
The key thing to understand is that religion is an invention of man. And our society grows and matures every day. So to continue to follow something that was designed to keep populations under control and reflect the understanding that man had of our world thousands of years ago is insane.
You won't agree with me of course and that's fine. You go be you.