Many people think that content, producing a lot of content that is, will make them grow fast. This is possible, but not necessarily so.
Steemit (app built on steem) has a terrible content discovery algorithm, and producing content does not mean people will find it.
If you are starting out on Steemit, your first focus should be in networking, commenting on other people's blogs, adding value to everyone else's content.
Its the only way you can garnish attention to develop some sort of following. If you wait for people to come to you, it simply won't happen.
The other thing I believe everyone should do is to join a community as soon as possible. it could be Palnet, it could be ADSactly, it almost does not matter, as long as you are willing to put in the work to develop those relationships.
Even the best content creators, the most successful ones understand the power of networking and relationships.
You might even say that 70% of your success is the relationships you build and 30% is the quality of content you can create.
That is exactly what I was and will be doing for the time being.. building a community in my view creates an organic demographic that helps you build up increasing quality for your own contents.. of course if you have money you will peak but that has limited interactions and feedback..
Grow a community and with it you grow too that's my moto in steemit and in my professional life.
And I have just found out via you latest post.. I know its irrelevent here in the answers context but thank you anyway.
that's awesome!