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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

There so many psychological elements to car obsessions that it might be close to impossible to be accurate on something that is not dissertation length, and it might require dangerous levels of caffeine to mentally grip. This is my best attempt, and I apologize for my mortal mind. 

Redefining the Alpha.-

As long as we have existed as a species we've always had a hierarchical system. All of it connected to reproductive rights initially, but later on as society advanced into complex ideas of success and purpose, the initial primal necessity is adorned by superfluous trivialities.

However, within those constructs, those social elements are still displayed very much in a parallel way.  We still look up to alphas, we still want to be alphas, females still gravitate towards alphas, etc.

Maybe due to it's symbolic representation, to it's indication of social status. A car can symbolize that someone is an alpha within his/her domain. More common in males no doubt, but the idea stands on two feet still.

Accumulation of Resources.-

All of us do this, it's a programmed instinct evolved for survival. A car is the best tool for both accumulation of resources, facilitating search, transportation and such (some cars better than others). So, some people who love cars, love them for the "tool" element they represent. Hence why power, load capacity and other common elements of this nature are part of that conversation.


There is a considerable part of humans who love vehicles for the "idea of freedom" - note the word "idea" of this sentence. The car represents choice, they could literally leave their environment for a new one if they chose to, and the idea is pleasing.

Some even love driving because it's a bite size sample of this. (i hate driving)

The list goes on... but I will stop there....  this is becoming a post. 


great question! i answered eons and i love the “this is becoming a post.” bwahahhaha

Hmm... I think markdown probably works. Let me test it

# Escapism

Yup. I like the idea of escaping reality like the next person. Though this is like real. I don't know if a car does that for me though. Still requires physical effort. I suppose if you live in a city, a car could represent getting out of the busy busy city life and out into relaxing nature.

Nope. I guess not.