
Thank you for your answer! I agree with you. I asked this question to hear the thoughts of others on this because marriage today is suffering. The divorce rate is high and longevity in marriage is becoming more rare. I’ve been married for 12 years and there is definitely not just one key. The three things you listed (patience, understanding and communication) are all equally important! Great answer :)

This is such a “real” answer. After the “wedding” bliss is over that’s when the real tests come in. It really takes patience and willingness from both parties. Thanks for your response.

Absolutely NOT only looking for only herbs... Absolutely agree that nature can calm and ground you enormously. A great answer.

Awesome! I do think melatonin has some benefits and my wife and I have recently started diffusing lavender oil recently. The jury is out on that though...

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And watch chickens. 💚

Absolutely! 🐔💚🐔💚

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I have a Doterra oil blend called Easy Air ! I'm yet to try it when I actually have a cold, but it certainly clears my schnozz - it has laurel, ta tree, peppermint, lemon, ravensara leaf (never heard of it!) and cardamon!