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Thank you for your thoughts! I know of the McAfee situation as he was the one who clued me into Verge (XVG), and while I enjoyed some incredible growth, I failed to forsee what was essentially a pump n dump.

Seems to me the global blockchain/crypto community should start a dialogue surrounding a dorm of Democratic governance to expose and potentially exile these types of actors engaging in activities that harm us all.

Now how to keep the typical types of corruption that occur whenever one human is given more power than any other human is the real problem worth solving...

Enjoyed chatting with you. Gave you a follow on steemit!


I feel sorry about your loss on Verge.

You're right that governance is needed but this will be the case eventually. The government is just very slow when it comes to this type of things. Regulations are being made and then institutional money can finally enter the market. Because big pension funds are not allowed by law to invest into crypto when 1 they have no custody and 2 the market is unregulated. Regulations are just the next step for this market to become mature.

People are maybe to naive when it comes to investing. Take bitconnect for instance, at a certain point it was generally accepted as a scam. Still the price didn't crash. Some people don't want to believe it's a scam even if you expose it for them. That's some wishful thinking from their part.

I just hope the Governments don't muck this up as they have with the rest of the things :)

It basically starts getting loud as soon as I use the computer but It doesn't throttle or stutter or anything at all during regular usage.

This Pc is made out of rather old components and I only use it to play some low spec games and browse on the internet, so I don't think the usage of it is that heavy for it to need a new fan o:

When you use the computer with a high cpu usage, the cpu starts to heat up. That's when the fan starts spinning faster. Also, check if the case is filled with dust or not. Dust blocks airflow which increases temperature.

I heard steam is monetized, this true?

@jonching hi, do you maybe have any idea why my answer is deleted on musing? I'm kind of surprised, i thought i gave a good answer.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

hahahahahaah " to make sure i don't leak any of steemit inc's main steem private keys" ahahah

Oh, I did not know about this at all. I'll check it out, thanks!

Yup, its a new Dapp, Still early days but it looks very promising. I think that Advertising does have a place on STEEM, and this App is looking to provide that place in a very subtle, and understated way.

Thanks! I agree with your ideas. But tell me. You have Saturday on your end of the world? We have Monday. lol :-)))

I strongly agree with your opinion, how Steemit and Steem blockchain direct us to a large and unlimited community with a variety of creative content in it, thanks.

thank you @ikibaru-san, there really ia a great community on here xx

Of all the blogging platforms that are known, Steemit and Steem blockchain do offer something that is not provided by other blogging platforms. If you enjoy writing, then the rewards generated from writing will certainly be very enjoyable.

I love the way you explain and flashbacks of events experienced by several large companies in their early days.

Yeah right, I agree with how great the community is owned by Steemit, and how Steemit and Steem blockchain have helped many people. Good point.

With so many apps on Steem blockchain, no wonder why so many people see bright things here on Steemit.

Under 20 cents? Oh my.... that might be a hard times.

1. Nothing can beat faith :d

2. I could not agree more.

3. Doing what we love and get rewards while doing it is really a thing.

4. Community and a disruptive technology.

Interaction and community what makes this platform awesome. It is a good idea to accumulate steem while it is cheap.

I agree 100%.

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