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You clearly don't know much about dark markets. Monero is very popular for illegal practices. You can exchange it for other crypto and cash out those coins. Let's say you have dirty bitcoin, you exchange them for monero and then back to bitcoin. There is no way for governments to track you down if you do it the right way.

Yeah, you're totally right. I actually don't know anything about cryptocurrency in the dark markets.

How does it work? How would someone go from a suitcase of dirty money to some dirty Bitcoin? How is that Bitcoin not trackable on a public ledger?

You clearly don't know much about dark markets. Monero is very popular for illegal practices. You can exchange it for other crypto and cash out those coins. Let's say you have dirty bitcoin, you exchange them for money and then back to bitcoin. There is no way for governments to track you down if you do it the right way.

I would love to know why you thought that the marriage system is questionable. What makes marriage questionable?

Because you do not need a certificate to live with the person you love or take a public oath or something like that. That is why I see it as hugely questionable. Who else has something to do with it except the two people who love each other? Have a good day :)

Why do you think that getting married is a blessing? Some people think that marriage is not necessary, that it's our response to the expectation of the society. Do you think they are right?

I love your response. Seems the part of the world you're from has more successful marriages. That's wonderful!

What made you say marriage is inevitable? Is it something everyone must do? Who's compelling them to do it?

Can't people form family without getting married? What about those divorced people that already have family from their previous marriages, yet they still want to get married, should we say they want to get married because they want to form a new family?

Of course you can form a family without getting married. But people still do get married for that purpose because it is a tradition to do so and because marriage offers various types of benefits from a family formation standpoint in many countries. Such benefits include the father not having to go a child welfare officer to acknowledge the child, some countries have family-based taxation for married couples (potentially a huge benefit), widow's pension etc. etc.

This is helpful but I think it needs clarification. I see questions with negative vote value and when I check the users, it shows no flag. Is is possible that steemreport is only monitoring flags on Steemit? I knew about the flag by the way but it's not something I'd like to discuss here :) I got my flags on steemit.

Is there a reason why you don't want to discuss it here?

If you got flagged there must've been a reason for it. Any idea what that might be?

I think I do

Ohhh that!

Well days ago I too manually checked on other platforms one or two accounts that got a -1 upvote value here on Musing. From the looks of it, it seems like a visual bug as I don't see the flag on any Steem blockexplorers too. XD

Steemreports gets reports from Steem and not only Steemit. Since is built on top of Steem the flag should refect there too.

Posted using Partiko Android

Your reply has a -1 voting value now. I don't understand. Should we report this to Musing? If it's a bug as you suspect, then they should be notified.

Ahh no! I was wrong! XD
No -1

Posted using Partiko Android

Can't be because I've seen questions with -1 value as well and those can't be done using another platform. Must be something else.

Interesting as I don't see any flags on Steem.

This might have something to do with posting via other platforms as I am using Partiko now to easily reply here.

If I am correct, posts/comments done via other platforms other than Musing gets a -1 value, probably to easily differentiate contents posted via Musing.

If this gets another -1, I might be correct lol

Posted using Partiko Android

“The Future of Bitcoin: Will Replace Money in the Future”


“One of the noble goals of Bitcoin is to replace the existing currency”

Goals do not dictate outcome with 100% certainty.

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