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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

How do you apply the Hypnoteaching method to the teaching and learning process?

Hypnoteaching is a combination of teaching that involves the conscious and subconscious mind. Hypnoteaching is a creative, unique, and imaginative teaching method. Before the implementation of learning, students have been conditioned to study. Thus students follow the learning in fresh conditions and are ready to receive lesson material.


According to Muhammad Noer, in hypnolearning there are several steps that need to be done by the teacher. The steps are as follows,

1. Intention and motivation within

A person's success depends very much on his intention to always strive and work hard in achieving the success he wants to achieve. Great intentions and strong determination will foster high motivation and commitment in the field that is being pursued.

2. Pacing

Pacing means equalizing position, gesture, language and brain waves with others. In this case the other person is a student. The principle in this step is that humans tend to or prefer to gather, interact with the like, or have a lot in common. Thus, naturally and instinctively, everyone will feel comfortable and happy to gather with others who have similarities with him. Because this will make someone feel comfortable while in it. Through a sense of comfort that originates from the similarity of brain waves, every message conveyed from one person to another can be received and understood very well.

The ways to do pacing to students are as follows;

The initial step for the teacher is to imagine himself to be a person the same age as his students. This can be done by doing activities and feeling the things experienced by students in the present.

Use language that matches the language used by students.

Perform movements and facial expressions that are in accordance with the theme of the teacher's discussion.

Linking the theme of the lesson with the themes that are being discussed by students

Through the above efforts, without realizing the wave of thoughts the teacher will be the same as the participants. This will make students feel comfortable to interact with the teacher.

3. Leading

Leading means leading or directing. After the teacher pacing, students will feel comfortable with the atmosphere of learning that takes place. That's when almost everything that is said by the teacher or assigned to students, students will do it voluntarily and happily. Even though the material faced is difficult, the subconscious mind of the students will capture the subject matter that the teacher delivered into an easy matter. Thus through the application of hypnolearning it is expected that students will be able to achieve satisfying learning achievements.

4. Using Positive Words

This step is a supporting step in doing pacing and leading. The use of positive words is in accordance with the way the subconscious mind does not want to accept negative words. Words given by educators either directly or indirectly greatly affect the psychological condition of students. Positive words from the teacher can make students more confident in receiving the material provided. These positive words can be invitations or appeals. Thus, if things happen that should not be done by students, the teacher should use positive words to replace negative words. For example, when students in the class are crowded and rowdy, the teacher does not say - don't be crowded - but replaced is replaced by saying - please calm down.

5. Give Praise

One important thing that must be remembered by the teacher is the existence of reward and punishment in the learning process. Praise is a reward for increasing one's self-esteem. This praise is one way to shape one's self-concept. Meanwhile, punishment is a punishment or warning given by the teacher when the peseta students perform an inappropriate action. Of course in giving punishment teachers do it wisely and carefully so that the punishment does not make students become inferior and not excited.

Giving reward and punishment is very influential for students. Through reward, students will be encouraged to do better than before. On the contrary punishment will make students avoid unfavorable behavior and not in accordance with the norm.

6. Modeling

Modeling is a process of giving examples through consistent speech and behavior. This becomes something important and is the key to success or failure of hypnolearning. After students feel comfortable with the teacher and the atmosphere of learning, students' trust in the teacher is also needed which is strengthened through consistent behavior and speech from the teacher. This will make the teacher become a figure who can be trusted in the eyes of students.

7. Mastering the subject matter comprehensively

To support and maximize a hypnolearning learning, the teacher should also master the subject matter comprehensively. This can be done by actively involving students in the learning process. In addition, the teacher also strives to make formal interactions with students. Thus, the teacher can give students the authority and responsibility for learning. The teacher gives understanding to students that the way humans learn is different from one another. The teacher can also motivate students that they are able to master the subject matter. In the learning process, the teacher should deliver the material as much as possible contextually, giving students the opportunity to do things collaboratively, giving feedback directly to students and so on.

Application of Hypnoteaching Method in class

Make Yelling

Yelling is a sentence that has been agreed between the teacher and the students shouted together. The aim is to restore the concentration of students. For example "biMBA-aiueo ... okee .."

Emotional clock

Emotional clock is a clock to regulate emotions so it can train students to control their emotions. Emotional clock is divided into 4 parts and marked with the color or writing as follows:

  1. The clock is quiet, for example is marked in green or has the words "calm". It means that students are asked to calm down and concentrate because there are important material that will be taught by the teacher.
  2. Discussion hours, for example given in blue or in writing "discussion". At this hour the intention is that students are asked to conduct discussion activities about the material that has just been delivered by the teacher
  3. The clock is off, for example, it is yellow or with the word "off". That is to say students are asked to release their emotions, may speak, laugh, play with certain limits and times as long as they do not interfere with other classes.
  4. The button clock, for example, is red or there is a "button". This clock means that students activate the active condition of their learning again.

Teach friends and give praise

The material that has been delivered by the teacher, is discussed by students in a way they can see, hear, say and do. They are accustomed to re-teaching the material to other friends, so that students will understand the learning material they have received before. This is consistent with the theory that the learning process shows that children remember 20% of what they read, remembering 30% of what they hear, 40% of what they see, 50% of what they say, 90% of what they see, are heard and said. And absorbs 100% more when viewed, heard, said, taught to others. Between students who have taught their friends, then take turns giving praise. For example, "Thank you, your explanation is very good". This appreciation can add to the confidence that they have been able to teach the material delivered by the teacher.

Magical question

Create a specific question that can build the learning process, provide solutions, increase the potential and direct students to be more motivated in learning. This question must inspire students to be excited and motivated to answer the magic questions posed by the teacher. For example, before starting the lesson the teacher gives questions to students

"Children, do you like to read? How do you read?

Through the hypnoteaching method, it is expected that educators can help change the paradigm of students from "learning is boring, making tired, sleepy, right, weak, not important, stressful, and forced", to be "learning is a fun process".

That way students will love the learning process and make the process as their way of life. This is in line with the benefits of BiBBA-AIueo for the nation and state, which is to give birth to a generation of independent learners throughout life and the formation of a strong and creative generation because they do not surrender to the situation and have a high learning spirit and the country becomes advanced because it has quality human resources. Teachers must up to date themselves in order to meet these educational needs by learning new things related to learning methods.