
That's a stupid idea. In most cases they will be fighting for priests or people  using religion to grab power. Religion is a strong cultural force. Strong enough to get people moving. 

That's why people trying to became dictators often use religion to gain support. Religious justification used for acts of violence and portraying it as a noble cause.

One can claim that they are fighting for their god. My question would be similar to the question Capt. Kirk asked in a Star Trek movie, "What does God need with a starship?". A human is a mortal finite being fighting on behalf of an immortal omnipotent being. Isn't what a human can do minuscule to what a god can do? Does a god really need you to fight when the god that created everything should be able to look after the god's own interests?

You see my dear, fighting for God is the biggest mistake anyone can make. I mean how can you fight for someone who is bigger than you. Let me give you this scenario, assuming you have a little brother who is just 5 years old, and you are 30. Now, you were wrongly accused of something you didn't do, it pained you so much. You didn't have any other brother except for you 5 year old brother. Will you go and call your 5 year old brother to fight for you? The answer is No! You have for a God that is 100 times bigger, stronger, and mightier than even the strongest man on earth. Fighting for God is simply ignorance. God can take care of Himself. He can fight His own battles. Fighting for Him is meaningless. God never asked anyone to fight for Him. From where I stand, we are encouraged to be at peace with all men at all times. This should speak volume of what He wants us to do.

No one can fight for God or Allah because they had only made,we cannot fight with god or anyone.In the Bible only it has written that don't fight with others but respect them or treat them with good nature.

God or Allah are giving us blessing and due them we are on the earth so why should we fight against God or Allah.In the Bollywood movie oh my God paresh raval is making a charge sheet or made a case against God that God is no where and also people why worshipping them.

So I believe good is everywhere but we cannot see and they always there within us.

Thanks for Reading