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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Right off the bat: Smoking is haram (prohibited) and a transgression in Islam. Maybe you realize that all countries of the world – Muslim and Non-Muslim alike – have now begun to battle smoking, since they realize that it is exceptionally destructive. Islam disallows everything that is destructive, on the grounds that the Prophet (peace and gifts of Allah arrive) stated:

"There ought to be no hurting or responding hurt."

Without a doubt there are nourishments and beverages which are gainful and great, and others which are destructive and awful. Allah depicted our Prophet (peace and favors of Allah arrive) in the accompanying terms (elucidation of the importance):

"He permits them as legal At Tayyibaat (i.e. all great and legal as respects things, deeds, convictions, people and sustenances), and forbids them as unlawful 'Al Khabaa'ith' (i.e. all abhorrent and unlawful as respects things, deeds, convictions, people and foods)."- (Quran 7:157)

Is smoking one of the great and legitimate things (al-tayyibaat) or one of the insidious and unlawful things (al-khabaa'ith)?

Besides: it was portrayed that the Prophet (peace and favors of Allah arrive) stated: "Allah prohibits you to exchange talk, to make an excessive number of inquiries and to squander cash." And Allah denied inefficient luxury when He said (elucidation of the significance):

"Also, eat and drink yet squander not by luxury, unquestionably He (Allah) likes not 'Al Musrifoon' (the individuals who squander by extravagance)."- (Quran 7:31)

What's more, He portrayed the slaves of the Most Benevolent as takes after (translation of the significance):

"What's more, the individuals who, when they spend, are neither unrestrained nor tightfisted, however hold a medium (path) between those (extremes)."- (Quran 25:67)

The entire world presently realizes that the cash spent on smoking is to be considered as cash squandered, from which no advantage is picked up; for sure, it is cash spent on something destructive. In the event that the cash which is spent on smoking worldwide were to be gathered, it could have spared whole populaces who have kicked the bucket of starvation. Is there anybody more silly that one who holds a dollar bank note and sets fire to it? What is the contrast amongst him and the person who smokes? To be sure, the smoker is more absurd, in light of the fact that the imprudence of the person who consumes a dollar charge closes there, while the person who smokes consumes his cash and furthermore hurts his body.

Thirdly: What number of catastrophes have been caused by smoking, on account of cigarette butts which are discarded and cause fires. Different catastrophes have been caused in different routes, as when a house was torched with its inhabitants inside, when a man lit his cigarette when there was a gas spill.

Fourthly: Smoking makes harms numerous parts of the body.