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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

Actually, to look for that perfect is impossible because there are no humans living in this perfect world, so what if we want to find the perfect life partner, be prepared to live alone because we certainly will not find it. But in choosing a life partner choose there are 3 of these factors


offspring are things we have to filter well because usually the fruit that falls not far from the tree means that the attitude of his child can be seen from his parents or offspring


Atou beauty is also not less important because the habits that make a husband at home because of his wife's beauty when a husband is out of feeling want to go home quickly to meet his wife to widen his longing


treasure is also important in this life because everything needs an economy. we just turn it down but when we want a wife we ​​cannot fulfill it, there is the key to the destruction of a household.