
It is sad to see that this world is largely governed by appearances, in such a way that much depends on the way a person looks physically to be accepted in a certain environment or circle. And if you don't believe me, for example, take a walk around some fashionable den or some "cache" restaurant and you will see how many people are discriminated against just because they don't meet certain requirements, thus denying them access to those places, often known as VIP class (Very Important People, i).

The same happens in almost all the places you want to access, because the first thing you see of people is their physical appearance, their clothing, hence if the visitor looks impeccable in his image, is treated with some respect, kindness and have many considerations and attentions. However, if the opposite happens, that is, if the person wears simple clothes and looks poor, in many cases, is treated with a certain indifference and disdain, regardless of other characteristics of his personality.

However, sometimes we tend to be surprised when behind that appearance are hidden talented people and completely contrasted with what they show behind that image, which does not reflect what is at the bottom of what is observed with the naked eye.

This comes to mind because recently, looking closely at a video sent to my e-mail account, I saw an example of how a person can be judged without knowing their qualities, since a couple of high school boys from the United States entered a talent show in which they had to demonstrate their artistic talents through singing.

The couple consisted of a girl with a splendid figure and exquisite face named Charlotte, 16 years old, and Jonathan, a 17-year-old boy with a somewhat disheveled and obese appearance who, at first sight, according to the judges, did not have the slightest opportunity to stand out, because the first question was: "Do you think the combination is going to work? And the teenager's answer was: "Yes, because that's what our singing teacher told us.

Already with a certain resignation and a large dose of skepticism, the members of the jury were ready to listen to the couple, and what was the surprise of the judges as soon as they perceived the spectacular voice of Jonathan, who made rise from their seats most of the audience that filled an auditorium with capacity for about five thousand spectators.

As the interpretation of the two boys passed, it was appreciated how the euphoria and emotion produced by the fusion of two voices that, although very different, complemented each other in the song they had chosen to participate in that contest: she, according to the judges, had a very appropriate style for pop music, while he had a powerful tenor voice compared, according to a judge, with that of Luciano Pavarotti.

"You're good," one judge told Charlotte, "but you, Jonathan, are incredible," he told the young man, while another of the qualifiers added, "Together they're world class. Meanwhile, one more said to the teen: "You have an exceptionally good voice.

If we had to take advantage of the lesson that we had witnessed in the fragment of that program, it would be that we cannot go through life judging people by their appearance, by the way they dress, without first knowing them a little, because we can be surprised to discover that behind each person around us hides a talent that is waiting to be shown at the right time.

In this world, fortunately, there are many people whose humility is so great, who prefer to remain anonymous, behind an appearance of simplicity, while we can also see the other side of the coin, represented by people who boast of possessing outstanding qualities, so they only show their arrogance by underestimating the virtues of others.

In this context, kind reader, we should reflect to talk with our children and encourage respect for all people around them, regardless of their economic condition or physical appearance, because it is finally demonstrated that all human beings are endowed with great qualities that are only waiting to be discovered and exploited, not with the intention of boasting about them, but to share them with others.

 Well... there's no easy answer to this one. It depends. On a lot of things actually!

I don't believe you should judge anyone. Certainly not at first sight, but not even on second or third sight. Basically, you don't know the whole past of this person, so who are you to judge? 

"Yeah but this guy is always wearing this weird scarf! He's weird!"

How well do you know him? Maybe it was the scarf of the women he loved wholeheartedly, and who recently died after a long and terrible disease, and he's wearing the scarf to have the feeling that she's still right there with him...

On judging a book by its cover, there is another thing. There is something like "intuition", and that is our gut feeling, telling us things. Now, our gut feeling is not really our gut that's telling us things. It's our brain, which is processing thousands of pieces of information that it has gathered in a split second, and which it has matched to every piece of information we've come across in the past. And the result of that, is intuition. And it is not trying to explain to our consious brain what or how it is doing, it is just presented as a feeling, a gut feeling.

This intuition is a part of our monkey brain, our ancient brain, which controls our fight, flight, freeze reactions and all. We should use it, but we shouldn't let it control us.

I mostly make the comparison with driving a car. Intuition should be in the car, you should hear what it has to say. But it shouldn't be in the driver's seat. YOU need to be in the driver's seat. You need to control the weel. Listen to your intuition, learn to trust on it, and use its advice. No more, no less.

So judge a book by its cover? No, don't judge, but listen to what your intuition is telling you, it might know more than you think!

For me, I believe judging people just by their appearance will never always be accurate.

I have known some people who look snob, malicious, and unapproachable on the outside but very much caring and real on the inside.

It doesn't really matter how they look but of how they treat others. You can see so much angelic faces but will definitely betray you. Con artists will look so trust worthy to you but they are using this strategy to trick you.

Even wondering how a homeless person who looks very much suspicious do care about others and those very clean and presentable people belittle others.

So don't judge by appearance, or rather, don't judge at all.

We can’t judge people just by their appearance. 

To judge someone there has to be many other qualities other than just appearance. Few of the qualities by which a person could be judge are:-

First of all we should look how he/she treat the other people specially which are in lower ranks like waiters, sweepers, and receptionist etc. 

How kind one is towards other people?

How does he manage his anger?

Is he/she honest?

Is he/she is trustworthy?

Is he/she reliable?

Judging a book by it's cover or better yet, judging a person by their appearance is never accurate. A person's character and personality have very little to do with how they look. I'd like to think that I'm a very peaceful person, I don't like trouble, I despise fighting and I'm definitely a pacifist but people tend to believe otherwise because I keep a reasonably large beard and I lift weights alot so I'm pretty big.

In my country Nigeria, we have a lot of hoodlums and violent cultists who basically match my description and as such when people see me they sometimes think I'm one of them.

Judging a book by it's cover is never and can never be accurate. Who a person is can never be determined by the clothes that's on their back or by the way their face or bodies look.