
Honestly I don't think I would. The thing with love is that the heart we can't choose who we love. You may have created this image of the perfect person for you in your head, but that doesn't actually mean that's the best person for you. If you can't seem to connect with him/her then that's probably a sign that they aren't right for you.

Marrying someone that you can't love effortlessly will never end well because when you do meet that person that you can love effortlessly, you'll be more than likely to cheat on the person and inevitably end your marriage.

Instead of putting yourselves through that kind of pain, how bout you two just remain as friends.

If he is "everything you ever wanted but your heart is not connecting", then one or the other is false (unless you wanted a no-heart connection :). In this case, maybe you are just looking at a few things based on appearance and are then taking that to mean all your needs will be met. But hang on a sec, your heart is not connecting, so where can you go with this? Would you go ahead and marry the person in the hope that maybe later on your heart will connect? Can that fire be lit later when there is not even a spark now? If your heart is not in it now, but your mind tells you that they are the 'person of your dreams', there is a contradiction - do you see it? What is the life of a person who is in a 'loveless' marriage which they have been led into it by the mind (it's useful, I'll be secure, he's got money, I'll be looked after, he says the right stuff etc etc), only to be disappointed later when the heart aches for what it desires but cannot get?

But the real question is 'do you love yourself?'. If you cannot give something to yourself, how can you give it to another?

Marriage is a form of institution that should not be entered into without adequate preparation,i cannot

marry someone that i do not love and despite all my efforts to love her it is still not working out,,if i marry such person it means i am only marrying her out of pity and

such marriages will not last...i believe that when i want to marry i should get married to a woman who will be my best friend whom my heart is deeply connected to,when you love someone it will make it easier for both parties

to be able to work together to manage the challenges in marriages,how will i be able to connect together with someone that i do not love??definitely the communication will be broken and it would be difficult

for both of us to be together to overcome the challenges that might occur in the marriage

if i do not love someone despite making all efforts but it was abortive then i will gladly let the person see reasons

why we cannot marry then i will end the relationship because “a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage”

Marriage is hard enough on its own let alone when you venture into it with no connection. Before you decide to marry someone, it is important you look beyond the attributes of the person and seek the chemistry.

Are you religiously compatible? Do you think and see things from the same angle? Are you sexually compatible? How emotionally connected are you both? All these are very important factors when it comes to marriage. It is not just about love but when you say connection I know it is more than just love.

Simply put, this person is good but he irritates you so you won't let him cuddle you or kiss you and express PDA with you and you feel it is all about connecting? Stop it dear. This man isn't for you. You will end up in an unhappy marriage. Help us reduce the divorce rate by getting it right before venturing into it.

Only marry someone you have strong chemistry with in all levels.