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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Quite a lot if I must say. We've been bludgeoned for too long about the need to grow up only to find our that adulthood doesn't necessarily mean maturity.

When I was younger, all I ever wanted to do was grow up. You'd ask people questions question's and what they will reply is that you are too young too understand. We thought that was the truth but little did not we know it was an escape route.

Adulthood doesn't necessarily means things to will be become more betterment or easier, if anything, it makes life more complicated.

No one tells you about how you the works will begin to judge you for things that you don't have control over. It's what we see these day's around us. Everyone wants to become involved, not necessarily involved, but they want to monitor what goes on around you. It's like having a CCTV camera strapped to your backpack so they could have agendas for their gossiping sections.

Growing up is so very overrated. What I think happens is that people put up what they want others to do see and act like the way they want when they are in the comfort of their closest.

People don't like grow up, they act it.

If you could zero down on what many people do during their 'me' time, you'd be shocked.

I see the way people act when they are in love and gains betterment understanding of people's attitudes. You see all the childlikeness come out. It's not that they act like you kids because of the aura of love. It is that they've always been that way but scared right show it is.

It blossomed when they are in the company of someone who who wouldn't judge them for what they are or the way they act.

No one ever told use the truth; adulthood is overrated.