If given another chance to pursue a degree, it would be computer engineering without a blink.
It's one of the few regrets I have about life.
I remember when I was in Junior secondary school. Whenever I was asked what I wanted to become, it was undoubtedly a computer engineer. I loved the ideas about computers and how they functioned. I remember computer classes then, then way our teacher used too talk about computers with passion made my resolve even stronger.
Well, years passed and I began to see the world of sciences within different light but still had strong zeal for the computing world, I even began learning wapka web design.
Things changed one day. My dad called me outside one night and asked what I wanted to become. I told him a computer engineer. He began telling me how he wanted one of his children to do medicine. My elder brother studies economics and so was out of the line and my sister was opting for mass communication.
Since he talked with me, my mind kept ruminating on the idea and I thought medicine won't be bad. So, when the time came to enroll for Joint matriculation exams, I gladly filed medicine. That's was my biggest mistake. I didn't even end up studying the medicine (medicine cut off mark was very high and I was in no way prepared for it). I ended up studying agriculture.
Now, I hate to even do anything related to to agriculture. It feels like as though I got misled. I wished I had stuck in with my own desires. Anyways, I hold no ambition to go back to school. However, if I did, it would definitely be computer engineering.