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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

I actually like everything about myself else I would be saying the creator didn't create me in his perfection.

There are however a few things I think I could improve on.

First, I don't know how to focus my eyes. This thing is something I don't normally discuss and have never spoken to anyone about it. It has affects me in too many ways. I can't look someone in the eyes without my eyeballs rolling. It has affected my confidence and my relationship with people. You my not understand this until you meet me. It's one of the reasons why I think I may not succeed in a relationship. I've had ladies come close me but I've never thought it wise to start a relationship because of the fear they wouldn't like me after while. This is my most pressing issue. It's been like this for since 2007.

Also, I don't know how to express love and passion. I feel like my emotional triggers have been removed, that's if they even existed in the first place. I could be either someone bereaved and lack the right words to say. Even when someone is happy, like he's won something, I can't express joy to the point that it seems geniune.

I think these things are peculiar with me. It's the reason why I think no one will understand and that's why I'm seriously considering being alone, till forever.