
The first time I used internet was with a Nokia java phone. Speed was 16KB and I was using only some websites to download "pirated" music or funny videos. I didn't knew then how piracy worked. Didn't know how to avoid it. Its been more than 10 years. The internet we have now is far more sophisticated.

Internet has impacted the most is how I learn things. Then I had to read books after books to find relevant materials. But now I can get that with some little monthly subscription fee. Another part it has impacted is communication. Before using the Internet as a communication method I used to text people and had to pay a overpriced tag. And now facebook or other social media apps has made that so easy.. Now I can use Internet to answer peoples "questions" on musing instantly no matter how far they are from me.. I think that's sufficient to prove how internet has changed my life.

Internet has really being a life changer for me and also very benefical to me,without internet honestly i do not know where i will be by now,most

skills i have right now was learnt from what i read on the internet,the business which gives me

steady income was also a business i learnt from the internet,i also make money from the internet

business as a whole which even makes it more interesting for me so that is why i love the internet

so much because the internet really changed my life positively

Internrt changed my life better.the Internet makes all information flows more quickly and accurately, here we bersosialisi, communicate, and even we can find out what is happening in the country far nun there.

The Internet can moor a distant, even today the internet hire me without having to get out of the House. An awful lot of ease that are offered on the internet.
with the internet all seemed without limits, in fact we should take heart with the internet sometimes can have an impact on the position for ourselves, we can learn, laughing at other people's blog post, vent, cry by email on facebook us, even we can angry on twitter us, but the internet is not used for that only he could use for information education, economy, culture, etc., many once fortunately but also a lot of harm, to not lose my list.

This development can we make as good as good as not doing stupid things, things we have to think further how we can harness it for our self advancement, society and our nation

The internet technology that has been present in our lives indirectly helped all our activities, every day we are almost inseparable from internet technology and with smartphones is obviously very helpful to change our lives in various fields ranging from business and other technologies. Internet technology is growing not only help people exchange ideas but also greatly help us in various useful information.

I start using internet about 18 to 20 years back. When internet was newly launched in my country. I remember at that time we have to use dialup internet connection with very slow speed.
Internet has made a great progress in these years form dialup network to high speed wireless network. Now we has access to internet almost all our world.
Internet has changed our lives completely. We are very much dependent on the internet now a days and it has changed our way of life.
With the help of internet we get socialized with the people all the globe.
We have flourished our businesses through it.
We have access to the knowledge.
Where internet has many advantage there are few drawback also
By excessive use of internet our children are becoming addictive and physically less active.
We are connected socially with globe but we are not aware of our neighbors.
There are chances that our children get involved in bad company if not kept an eye on them.
In conclusion I can say that despite of some concerns about internet it has facilitated our lives in great aspects.

Internet is a blessing to mankind,that is how
I do say it and i said so because internet has
Helped my life alot and there are also many
Other people too that had their lives changed
Through the internet and i am talking about positive changes and not negative changes

With the right knowledge someone can make
So much money on the internet and build a career around it,the internet is filled with some
Educative tools that we can use to add to our
Knowledge and become a more skillful person

Internet has also helped my relationship
Offline because it has made me to acquire
More knowledge about how relationships ought to be treated,there are some internet forums where you meet people full of experience that will educate you on better ways to make your relationship better

nice question dear i think internet has change a lot of things in everyone life and it has bring a new technology to connect the world in one place. I was first not using this technology but after going to some deep knowledge i found this technology is very helpful in life and we have to adopt internet.
Today's world without internet anyone cannot leave his life it is the daily need of person and today as internet has become a useful resource there are many side effects also happen in my personal life as of EYE problem and some hand problem happens because of this addiction.

I think this answer will be obsolete very soon, at least in all the of developed countries and some more modern developing countries. Because soon we would not recognize a world without the internet.

Picture this:

  1. I am now considered anti-social for spending less time on social media to socialize and not posting pictures of everything i do on them. People now call me "anti-social" now not because I dont go out often, but because i didnt "proved" that i did.

  2. Every passing day made me more firm in my stance that physical classroom education is outdated, inefficient, politically-biased, wasteful, inhumane, and valueless to society. All because the internet has shown me a better alternative. 90% of the useful things i learned are from my researches on the internet and not a classroom.

  3. I have friends in Russia that I constantly keep in touch with.. This was never practically possible with mails or telephones

  4. People may not realize or admit this themselves , but i truly see that the term "cyborg" is applicable to me now.. I can't do anything without being near a device to either communicate or research, which in my line is as valuable as work itself. I can't talk to my client unless there's internet. The whole foundation of how i feed myself is via the internet...

This are but one of many ways the internet has changed my life.. And I can't see myself ever doing backwards.


internet is not only changed my life but also all people. internet is gate way of human knowledge. you can learn anything from internet. and you can do lots of work by using internet. internet is growing day by day.
there was a time when i don't have any option for money earning from home, but now i can earn money from home by doing online job. online money earning opportunity is changed my life, now i have lots of option for income sources by using internet.

the internet is very changing my life
ranging from not being able to read, write, hear and work. The change I get is very significant.
From year to year I learned various kinds through any site. Thanks to the internet everyone can access what they want.

And now I feel satisfied with the internet, I can menggungah anything, can watch anything from fb, twitter, steemi, youtube and others.

From that little knowledge, in 2007, I started sharing my knowledge with others. Often a tutor whenever there is training, especially in introducing the internet and the services that are in it.

A little funny, but interesting, I have experience when I ask the trainees: what do you know about the internet? They replied: "the internet is e-mail". This shows that the understanding of the internet in the area I live (Palangka Raya) is very minimal. In fact, internet users in government offices at that time can be counted on the fingers. Likewise, education personnel such as teachers and lecturers, very few are familiar with the goods whose name is the internet.

This is still understandable. At that time I call the transition period. Call it a lot of educators and also officials who used to only learn to use the "typewriter" model of the wheelbarrow, hahahaha. Therefore, I am not surprised if they are still confused when talking about the internet.

The Internet is the sole reason for my earnings. I am a freelancer and I have a huge maket to offer services while sitting in my bedroom. Isn't this amazing, for me this is more than a miracle, Alhumdulillah.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment