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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago (edited)

Hollywood is a lecturer who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?

Hollywood adalah dosen yang banyak mengajarkan hal-hal penting mengenai dunia perfilman. Bahkan sepertinya nggak berlebihan jika kota ini dianggap kiblatnya para sineas dalam membuat film. Sounds great, Hollywood is a lecturer who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?, right?

Tapi kamu pasti nggak bakal nyangka jika ternyata banyak adegan yang dibuat oleh para sineasnya masih mengimplementasikan konsep yang salah dan nggak logis. Nggak percaya? Simak beberapa contoh Hollywood is a lecturer who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?s great, right?

Ledakan penuh Hollywood is a lecturer who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?rer who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?

Adegan ledakan seperti udah menjadi hal yang wajib ada dalam setiap film terutama yang bergenre action. Makin keren ketika para aktor bisa meledakkan sesuatu dengan mudahnya. Well, hal tersebut sebenarnya murni dramatisasi yang dilebihkan. Pasalnya, apa pun bendanya nggak bakal semudah itu meledak ketika Hollywood is a lecturer who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?

Mudah menghindari Hollywood is a lecturer who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?o teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?

Pada berbagai film bergenre action sering ditunjukkan adegan ketika sang aktor dengan mudahnya selamat ketika berondongan peluru yang menyerangnya. Lagi-lagi ini adalah dramatisasi yang berlebihan. Pasalnya peluru dilepaskan dengan kecepatan yang sangat tinggi dan sangat mustahil untuk dihindari. Untung cuma Hollywood is a lecturer who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?

Ledakan di Luar Hollywood is a lecturer who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right? who teaches many important things about the world of cinema. In fact, it seems like it's no exaggeration if this city is considered the mecca of filmmakers in making films. Sounds great, right?

But you certainly will not expect if it turns out that many scenes made by the filmmakers are still implementing concepts that are wrong and illogical. Do not believe? Consider the following examples.

Deceptive explosion

Blast scenes like that have become something that must be in every film, especially the action genre. It's getting cool when actors can blow things up easily. Well, this is actually pure exaggerated dramatization. The reason is, whatever the object will not be as easy as it explodes when shot.

Easily avoid shots

In a variety of genre action films often show scenes when the actor easily survived when a barrage of bullets attacked him. Again this is excessive dramatization. Because the bullet is released at a very high speed and is impossible to avoid. Luckily it's just a movie!

Explosion in Space

Space scene is the scene of the most climax scene from various films such as Armageddon or Star Wars. Not to mention the booming sound effect that gives rise to the impression of wah. If you are so entertained with this, you are totally fooled! The reason is that outer space is a vacuum which of course cannot transmit sound waves that require air.