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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

To be honest I have not been doing a Job for about a Month 

It was kind of hard at the start of the month but I am kind if getting hold of it.

While I was doing my Job (I was very good at it though but I did not liked it at all) I usually worked 9 - 10 hours a Day. starting from 10 am to 7 pm sometimes 8 or 9 pm as well.

I really was not able to focus on anything else when i was doing my job but after I left the job I was kind of free and now I have been giving time to Steem a lot and I do work more than before but it does not feel any kind of pain or stress at all.

Like it is said  "Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life". 

So currently there is no time limit but around 12 to 13 hours everyday I be on Steem related works.In real life or in front of the monitor.