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RE: Musing Posts


If there are deeds that Allah loves, the Prophet recommends, outside of worship such as prayer, fasting, remembrance and others, then that is a practice of helping others.

Anas bin Malik said, "One time we were with the Prophet SAW, and the most sheltered among us were people who sheltered their clothes. As for those who fast, they do nothing. While those who break their fast (do not fast), they send camels on horseback, work and treat. The Prophet (PBUH) then said, "The people who break the fast today buy merit." (Bukhari).

In this case, the figure of Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq is an outstanding example. Within a day he could do more than one practice that had a very strong relationship with the spirit of helping others. One day the Prophet asked, "Which of you fasted today?" Abu Bakr replied, "I am." The Prophet asked again, "Which of you has attended the funeral today?" Abu Bakr said, "I am."

The Messenger of Allāh lagi said again, "Who among you is feeding the poor today?" Abu Bakr said again, "I." The Messenger of Allah asked again, "Which of you visits people today?" Abu Bakr replied, " Me. "The Messenger of Allah then said," If all the deeds are collected on someone (like this), surely he will enter heaven. "(Muslim).

Through the above hadith, as if the Messenger of Allāh W conveyed the implicit message that fasting should not prevent someone from actively helping others. Especially feeling satisfied just because they have been diligent in carrying out fasting. Who can help others in a variety of things, such as helping a fellow funeral who dies, feeding the poor and visiting sick people, the degree will be higher in the sight of Allah and His Messenger.