
HTT and HTTPS  operating systems are the same. However, HTTPS has excess functions in the field of security. HTTPS can guarantee security in server authentication.

The main difference between HTTP and HTTPS, the default port,

80 for HTTP and 

443 for HTTPS.

HTTPS is not a separate protocol, but refers to the combination of interaction HTTP normally through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) transportation mechanism. So as to guarantee reasonable protection from tappers and attacks.

 Http stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It allows World Wide Web users to transfer information like image, text, video, music, graphic and other files on web pages. 

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTPS is a protocol which uses an encrypted HTTP connection by transport-layer security. 

The major difference between HTTP and HTTPS is that HTTPS is a secure encrypted connection transaction. You may see the word "secure" with the HTTPS connection because it is secure. All your files, data tranfers etc are secure with an https while on the http, they are not.